Here’s how you can help businesses impacted by COVID-19

Thanks to the internet, email and online platforms working from home is a reality that’s possible for many in these challenging times. For other businesses working from home is impossible and the core of their business is social interaction. So, if you’re lucky enough to be in the position to keep working and earning your pay check from home here are just a few ideas to keep the businesses around us that rely on social interaction alive.   

  1. If you don’t want to attend lessons or classes (music, yoga etc.) consider still paying and making it up later. 
  2. Cancelling your appointment due to isolation or illness? Consider purchasing a gift certificate to use later. 
  3. Don’t want to shop in person? Get a gift card to use later or shop online in your pyjamas! 
  4. Don’t want to or can’t visit your favourite café or restaurant? Order take-away or via food delivery apps like UberEats and Deliveroo. Many hospitality venues have gift certificates too so you can purchase now and spend later.  
  5. Sign up to a club! Wine club…Coffee club the options are endless today, by signing up as a club member you provide businesses long term income in these uncertain times.  
  6. Share and engage on social media! While you’re at home use your lunch break to share content from your favourite businesses and comment on their social media posts to get their message out there. 
  7. Large supermarkets sold out? Shop local! Many smaller producers and stores will have the supplies you need to make it through this extended period at home. 
  8. Honour your current commitments. If you’re well and able, take the necessary precautions, but still attend any booked appointments. 
  9. Share your online shopping finds with friends and family! There’s no better marketing than word of mouth. If you buy something awesome online let those close to you know about it. 
  10. Share them on social media too! We can’t all be influencers but the power of one post shouldn’t be underestimated.  


Image Credit: Getty Images

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