Six Compelling Reasons Why You Should Use LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn is proven to be one of the most widely utilised social media platforms in today’s modern business world. Its designs actually facilitate effective networking not just with peers but also with industry professionals. It can be seen as an online business card holder.

This platform also offers a vast array of news feed resources to keep you informed about recent updates, trends and relevant research development.

LinkedIn can be your most powerful tool to generate leads, create connections and support the build of your brand. LinkedIn can truly be a game changer. Dont believe us, here are the six most compelling reasons to get on board.

To Connect with People

LinkedIn is an excellent tool to help you to connect with people.  Its important to have a profile, be in touch with other industry professionals and is one of the major reasons why you should use it for business. But in order to increase your LinkedIn exposure and be able to connect with your peers, you need to expand your network by adding contacts to your various LinkedIn communication. Adding more contacts to your email list will allow you to create better opportunities for new connections and endorsements. Growth promotes growth and in this case its about leveraging who you know!

To Increase Sales and Brand Loyalty

Business owners should use LinkedIn to help with building your personal brand profile, which may ultimately help to increase direct sales and grow your local fan base simultaneously. This can be developed through an effective content marketing strategy that may include telling stories, sharing experiences and knowledge and educating versus direct selling, rewarding loyal clients, partnering with modern brands and more.

To Generate Leads

Another good reason why you need to use LinkedIn for business is to generate leads. Studies revealed that LinkedIn referral traffic got the highest visitor to lead conversion rate between social media sites, even higher than Twitter or Facebook. There is no doubt that LinkedIn will continue to drive significant numbers of leads for business.

To Spread Information and Showcase Product Launches

Statistics also revealed that LinkedIn is one of the most effective social media platforms for product launches. By including this platform in your digital media strategy you can have enormous impact on how your business distributes information and product news to bloggers, media and your consumers.

To Attract New Clients

Using social media, particularly LinkedIn, is vital for business owners. Millions of individuals are now using LinkedIn. As a business owner, having a presence on this platform, you have more chance to share your knowledge and experience and build credibility which will should ultimately lead to more clients and customers that will advocate your business.

To Save Money on Marketing

Today’s modern marketing approache is hinged on a maintaining a digital media strategy. LinkedIn is an effective tool for a vast number of business owners because it is a cost-effective way of connecting with other businesses and potential clients/customers. All you need to do is to create your own account on LinkedIn and then start posting and connecting with people.

End note

If you want your business to gain a competitive edge, you must develop a presence on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. By using this platform specifically you are able to cost effectively connect with potential clients, promote your brand, educate yourself, be a part of your industry dialogue and many other activities related to improving and growing your business online. Using LinkedIn wisely can guarantee you great results.

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Picture of Lynda Schenk

Lynda Schenk

An energetic and strategic marketing professional with over twenty years’ experience in industries ranging from wine, not for profit, transport, logistics and manufacturing. Lynda founded Purple Giraffe Marketing Consultancy in 2014 offering an end to end marketing service that draws on her proven ability to formulate brand strategies and marketing communications plans that build brand equity, growth and profitability.

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