The Importance of Your Personal Brand as a Winemaker

It’s well known that the personal branding of a winemaker can be critical to it’s success, particularly for the smaller, and often more personalised, wine industry folk.

In these smaller businesses, the winemaker is often wearing many hats and is front line at Cellar Door, tastings and online. With so many touch points placing them in front of consumers, the winemakers personal branding is central to the wine brands success.

Effective and high quality personal branding does not only make your wine product more appealing, it helps your brand stand out from an ever increasingly crowded market.

Benefits of Personal Branding in Wine Industry

Here are three top benefits gained from effective personal branding in the wine industry:


If you are a winemaker and you are eager to obtain the right and appealing brand image, you must not ignore the fact that personal branding can help you. There is more competition today than there has ever been in the past, not only from the domestic market, but the international arena too. Great wine that “over delivers” is not enough. What is your point of difference, what makes today’s new consumer want to be associated with your brand and you? What makes you unique, special, different? When you work it out, communicate this message in an authentic and genuine manner. If you really want to boost success in your wine business, you need to adopt personal branding strategies that will promote your popularity.


Personal brand in wine industry is actually your reputation or your impression. People make an assumption about your personal brand in the first few seconds of meeting you, so first impressions count. Be consistent in your approach and your reputation will start to filter through. With many winemakers all over the world, your personal branding and skills as a winemaker are the two great things that make you special and the foundation of your reputation.

Experience and Expertise

Personal branding also reflects your experience and your expertise as a winemaker. Apart from that, it also reflects your beliefs and your core values. This is the main reason why you need to have the courage to be yourself. In other words, you need to be very authentic and emphasise your significance. You should acknowledge your experience and expertise, while maintaining compassion and a “keeping it real” attitude.

With the benefits that personal branding can offer, more winemakers need to consider and continue to develop their personal brand. So, what are you waiting for? Put it out there!


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Picture of Lynda Schenk

Lynda Schenk

An energetic and strategic marketing professional with over twenty years’ experience in industries ranging from wine, not for profit, transport, logistics and manufacturing. Lynda founded Purple Giraffe Marketing Consultancy in 2014 offering an end to end marketing service that draws on her proven ability to formulate brand strategies and marketing communications plans that build brand equity, growth and profitability.

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