How to Communicate as a Company Page on Linkedin

successful business lady working with team
The rise of #hashtags

Have you noticed the recent significant changes on LinkedIn that have changed how to communicate as a company on LinkedIn? Are you now confused about how to communicate with your audience?  Don’t stress.  In this blog we’ll give you a rundown on how to adapt to these changes and keep the dialogue with your audience open.

A LinkedIn company page can build your brand presence and reach your target audience by sharing what you do and who you serve. It can also help your company or brand connect and engage with your audience and industry influencers.

However, recent changes to LinkedIn leave businesses reduced to a maximum of three hashtags to reach and communicate with relevant audiences. As a result of these changes, there are now only two ways to communicate with your audience- and both involve the use of hashtags. Review the options below to optimise your content for visibility and communication.

Using ‘Community Hashtags’

With only three hashtags allocated per business, careful thought must be taken in identifying the most relevant hashtags to be used for the business. Ensure your hashtags create ease and opportunities in the process of commenting on your audiences and other relevant content. Hashtags should be specific and provide consistent adaptability across different posts.

How to add your hashtags:
  1. As an admin go to your LinkedIn company page.
  2. Click the pencil icon in the ‘Community Hashtags’ section.
  3. Add three hashtags that you would like to engage with.
  4. Click on one of the hashtags.
  5. You will see posts related to that hashtag and you will be able to comment as your company page on any of them.
  6. Check out this video to see how it works:

Commenting on a Specific Post

Struggling to cover the relevance of your business in just three hashtags? Want to comment on a specific post outside your three hashtags?

This can be easily fixed by updating or changing your hashtags regularly to engage with specific content. You can also update your hashtags to include event-specific hashtags to attract people who may be searching for fellow attendees.

How to update your hashtags:
  1. Go to your company page. The URL of that page includes a number. Save that number.
  2. Find a post you want to like/comment on.
  3. Click on the three dots on the top right of the post and select ‘copy link to post’.
  4. Open this link in a new tab.
  5. At the end of the URL, add ‘?actorCompanyID=’ and then put the company number that you saved earlier.
  6. Press enter. The post will come up again but now, your company will be the commenter.

What Hashtags Should I Use?

With a restricted number of hashtags, should you use broad hashtags or whether you should refine them to be more niche like?

Use the LinkedIn search bar to discover the popularity of the hashtag you are considering. Ask yourself: Does it reach the audience you want to attract? Does it display the content you want to engage with? Test and record which hashtags bring the most engagement to your posts.

With three hashtags to use, it is recommended to have a mix of broad and niche hashtags. Use two broad hashtags to obtain wide reach with your content and one niche hashtag to cover content applicable to your target audience. It is also good practice to keep your hashtags simple! Avoid punctuations, spaces, symbols or emojis.

 Getting Started!

You may be overwhelmed and a little annoyed with all these new changes, however, by following these steps you can ensure that with the clever use of relevant hashtags you and your audience will be able to connect, share and discover content.


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Picture of Fadila Valiyff

Fadila Valiyff

Fadila is a young rising Marketing and Communications professional as she comes to the end of her Bachelor of Marketing and Communications degree at the University of South Australia. With a passion for copywriting and social media marketing, Fadila finds helping clients achieve their marketing goals a reward in itself. Her can-do attitude and commitment to bring brands to life, allows her to work efficiently and expand her knowledge and passion within her work here at Purple Giraffe.

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