Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing

Email marketing at purple giraffe, lady pointing at computer statistics

Usually, when we think of email marketing, it is generally linked to spam emails. However, when done right, email marketing is a very successful marketing strategy. We have compiled a beginner’s guide to email marketing full of tips to help your business thrive.

Firstly, what is email marketing? 

Email marketing is a marketing strategy where businesses send promotional messages to the customer list in mass quantities. 

Did you know that email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital communication and is still one of the most effective digital marketing strategies? This statement may be surprising, as email marketing might feel outdated with the rise of social media’s popularity. However, people are using their emails more than other platforms. 

So, what are the simple steps to successful email marketing? 

Stay human:  

We know that email marketing is a prevalent form of marketing communication which means it is competitive. 

Use this tool to speak to your subscribers directly. Use personalisation in the email body by adding the subscriber’s name and you can gain up to an 18% open rate. Let them see the human side of your brand in your content writing. 

Use an engaging subject line:  

An interesting subject line is crucial to increasing open rates; keep them on the topic of your email and non-spammy. Subject lines should lead to curiosity, urgency, or scarcity, be catchy and clever, promote an offer or tease a sneak peek, to name a few. If you need help, try googling the best email marketing subject lines and you will be able to find hundreds of techniques that will suit your brand and work with your audience.   

Keep the message short:  

Society commonly uses smartphones to read emails, therefore, keeping your businesses content concise and to the point is essential for capturing engagement. Direct your subscribers to your blog or landing page if you need to share more information. Best to keep it short and sweet! It is more effective. Successful email marketing emails only have one clear message. 

Include a Call to Action (CTA) 

Be tactical with your CTA by including a strong CTA after the first paragraph; and again at the end of the email. A CTA will help guide your subscribers to the primary action you want them to take; whether it is to read more, make a purchase or simply just visit the website.

Clean out your subscriber’s list  

When the time comes that your business has 1000’s of subscribers, it’s important to make a note to clean out your list. This means removing those subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a certain amount of time, such as 90 days to 6 months. 

Before you remove emails, a little trick is to send a re-engagement email. Doing this typically saves up to 25% of them; for the rest, they sadly have moved on. This is okay, as some people lose interest in your product or no longer require your goods and services, and it happens. 

Another reason to clean out your email list is to save costs! Some email marketing platforms charge per email sent – so why would you want to waste money on someone who doesn’t open your email? 

Despite the popularity of social media, email marketing is here to stay and is going strong! Have a go with these simple steps for your next email marketing send-out.

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Tanya Pollifrone

Tanya Pollifrone

Tanya is an enthusiastic and dynamic Marketing and Communications professional, who’s creativity shines through working with clients to achieve their goals. She has gained a wide range of marketing experience across the Hospitality and Tourism industry, after graduating with a Bachelor of Marketing and Communication degree in 2015 from the University of South Australia. Tanya enjoys the variety of challenges that marketing brings with particular interests in content creation and digital marketing. With a passion for helping others, and skills in social media and event management. When she is not in the office, Tanya enjoys baking, travelling, catching up with family and friends, spending time at her local beach and visiting Adelaide’s festival events.

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