Consumer events, why are they important?

Why consumer events are important

For small and new businesses, it can be hard to figure out the best way to grow your brand. There are so many ways to engage new customers, from online launches to social media campaigns, and traditional advertising. One that shouldn’t be overlooked is attending consumer events which is particularly important for small businesses for several reasons. 

Brand Awareness 

Consumer events, like wine shows and gin shows, tend to attract those who are already interested in those products. For example, attending a wine show as a wine brand takes out the hard work of connecting with people who are already interested in wine, your target market is all around you. Here you can begin to grow your brand awareness by generating interest in your product, creating a positive brand impression, and building recognition in the market.  

Direct Customer Engagement 

As a small or new business, it is possible you don’t yet have a brick-and-mortar store. Participating in consumer events provides you with the opportunity to have direct customer engagement. Reports show that 74% of consumers have a better opinion of a brand after attending an in-person event*. This personal connection can also help to generate loyalty and brand ambassadors. 

Market Research and Validation 

At consumer events, you have the chance to get feedback directly from the customer. They can help guide the direction of your business by offering insights into what your target market is searching for, reactions to your products, and even assessing the validity of future concepts or ideas. 

Networking Opportunities 

Not only are there opportunities with the direct consumer at consumer events, but you also have the chance to network with other vendors at the event. Connecting with others in your industry, particularly those from more experienced or larger businesses, can help provide you with insights and guide your strategy at events. Often in attendance are industry professionals and influencers too, providing more prospects to build your brand awareness. 

Sales Opportunities 

Consumer events also allow businesses to generate sales. These events attract motivated buyers, actively seeking products or services. You can also incentivise database growth by offering buys special promotions when joining the mailing list. This can help generate customer loyalty and repeat purchases too. 

Competitive Analysis 

If you happen to have some downtime, or an extra pair of helping hands at your stand, taking a break from serving customers and visiting your competitors can be beneficial to your business. You can learn competitors’ strategies for sales, and their competitive set, and help to identify any gaps in the market or opportunities for something a little different. 

Consumer events are an excellent opportunity for new and small businesses to grow their brand, improve brand perception, connect with new customers, generate sales, create brand ambassadors, and learn more about your industry. 

If you would like to work on a consumer event strategy, get in touch with our team, our event experts would love to help you get the most out of every event you attend! 

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Picture of Sarah Rasheed

Sarah Rasheed

Driven by providing results, Sarah’s passion for marketing lies in strategic planning. With a broad range of experience including branding, new product development, D2C, events, copywriting, and content to name a few, Sarah understands the importance of creating a cohesive marketing suite for your brand.

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