Everybody is in the service industry

everybody-is-in-the-service-industryMost people have stories of when they’ve received bad service: the snooty waiter, the dismissive doctor… and one bad experience can make you want to never use that business again.  So it stands to reason, the best way to continue to make money and grow your business is in providing great service.

Now I know everyone says that they offer great service, its one of the overused clichés of business, but my question is… do you really?

  • Are you brisk and enthusiastic in your client correspondence?
  • Do you make your clients job easier and help them to create new opportunities?
  • Are you willing to do extra work and thinking to ensure you can bring better results?
  • Are you willing to refine your own workflows and processes to increase efficiency?
  • Is your communication clear and pricing competitive?
  • And above all do you put yourself in the clients position and look at your service and see what could be improved?

I know its a lot of questions… but just as self reflection can be very beneficial to an individual, reflecting on your business practices can ensure you continue to prosper. And by giving better service you’ll be the kind of supplier that people love to refer to others.

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Picture of Craig Arnold

Craig Arnold

As photographic director of She Creative, Craig brings 20 years of industry experience and a natural inclination towards problem solving, Craig can tackle any project and deliver great imagery with a minimum of fuss.

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