Outsource or die – more than ever before

purple giraffe team of marketers discussing work

In 2016 I wrote a blog titled “Outsource or die”, the content read as follows:

“I know, dramatic heading but there is some truth in it.

The belief in keeping all your resources in-house is on its way out.   Outsourcing is becoming a fact of life in the modern age.  Particularly for small to medium size enterprises (SME’s) who are looking to grow their businesses, outsourcing is the way forward.

Many entrepreneurs have a great talent but too often they think they can do it all.  This thinking can stall the growth of the business. 

Back in the Industrial Revolution, business leaders realised that employees were more productive when they were given specialised jobs instead of one that was broad scoped.  That same concept is applied in an outsourced model.

I mean, let’s think about it.  It’s much easier to motivate a supplier through economics than an employee, right? 

So what can you outsource?  Almost everything.  Here’s a short list.

  • Advertising
  • Bookkeeping
  • Copy Writing
  • Design
  • IT
  • Marketing planning and implementation
  • Payroll and related compliances
  • Picking and packing
  • Risk and compliance services
  • Recruitment
  • Social Media planning and implementation
  • Work Health and Safety and related compliances

And much more.

The benefits of outsourcing which can help SME’s be competitive with large companies include:

  • More time to focus on generating income
  • Lower costs by outsourcing functions and/or routine activities
    • No more costs on training employees
    • No more WorkCover, Superannuation, Insurance, FBT costs
    • You don’t have to tolerate or terminate non-performing staff
  • Provide your business quick scalability to meet your growing needs
  • Employ best practices
  • Increase efficiencies
  • Maximise outcomes, minimise expenditure

However there is one word of warning – don’t outsource something because you don’t want to do it.  Sometimes there are things you should be doing as they are important to the core of your business.  Before choosing what it is you wish to outsource, take a good hard look at your business. Determine your strengths and maximise the things you are best at or that is best for your business.”


When I wrote this blog in 2016 I recall conducting an online search for outsourced marketing providers in Adelaide and there was one – Purple Giraffe.  Others could be found in Sydney, Queensland and internationally, however outsourcing for marketing back then was a new concept.

Wind forward almost five years and the marketplace is very different.  Outsourcing marketing is becoming a more sort after alternative for businesses, especially small to medium size enterprises (SME’s).

There are many benefits in outsourcing your marketing including:

Reaching your goals

Effective outsourced marketers will work closely with your business to ensure marketing campaigns and initiatives are aligned with strategic goals and objectives.  They should be results driven, which will drive your business forward, supporting you in reaching your business goals.

Cost savings

Businesses no longer need to employ a dedicated marketing person within their staff count. This means no work cover, superannuation, insurance, phone, laptop and/or company car costs.

Equally, it is easier to incentivise a supplier through economics that an employee.  An outsourced marketer has a motivator to achieve results for your business far greater to that of an employee.    If your outsourced marketer is not performing, your businesses can part ways much more swiftly, easily and cost effectively than if you were having to remove an employee from your business due to poor performance.

Upscale or downscale

Outsourcing provides your business with the flexibility to be able to upscale and downscale your marketing requirements as required.

The impacts of COVID-19 on all businesses in Australia has been significant.  On the uncertain road to recovery, companies with the agility to upscale and downscale their workforce quickly will be able to swiftly pivot to the new ways of working.  Outsourcing provides an excellent platform for businesses to be able to upscale and downscale very quickly.

Maximise marketing spend

Due to their connections and experience from working across different industry types, effective outsource marketing professionals should be able to maximise your marketing spend through tried and tested experience, as well as establishing and executing innovative and creative solutions within your marketing mix.

Choice of hours

When outsourcing marketing you no longer need to fill up somebody’s day with work.  Equally, you will only pay for the work that is completed for your business.  So, businesses don’t need to worry about time wasted by employee’s during coffee or water cooler catch ups, extended lunch breaks and time spend checking social media profiles.


Effective outsource marketers should be available to your business every day of the working week, no need to wait for a part-time staff member’s day in the office.

Experience and expertise

Marketing practices, particularly digital marketing, are dynamic and ever-changing.  Effective outsource marketers are committed to learning new skills and improving existing techniques and strategies in their daily work across many industry types.  It is difficult for a single employee to have as much knowledge as an established outsource marketing team housing multiple people with a variety of skills and abilities.


Given these benefits, businesses should at least consider an outsourced marketing approach to achieve their business goals.

Outsourcing is not for every business and outsourced marketing strategies can fail. Success depends not only on the design of the top-level marketing strategy, but also on how it is implemented. Choosing an organisation that has the right skills and resources and a clear and accountable plan for implementation leads to success.

If you are seeking to engage an outsource marketing provide, please call me today to discuss how we can help your business grow.

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Picture of Lynda Schenk

Lynda Schenk

An energetic and strategic marketing professional with over twenty years’ experience in industries ranging from wine, not for profit, transport, logistics and manufacturing. Lynda founded Purple Giraffe Marketing Consultancy in 2014 offering an end to end marketing service that draws on her proven ability to formulate brand strategies and marketing communications plans that build brand equity, growth and profitability.

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