Personal Branding for business owners – Are you a Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty Person?

One of the phrases people use to determine your perspective about something is if you are “glass half full or glass half empty” person. Traditionally, the optimist sees the glass as half full while the pessimist sees it as half empty.

Remember that everything you do is linked to your own personal brand. Our thoughts shape our viewpoints and attitude about the things that occur around us. Our overall attitude definitely affects our mental state, physical self, overall well being and successes.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, you have a quality that sets you apart from others. As far as your personal brand is considered, you have different characteristics that makes you unique from others. But how is your attitude shaping your personal brand?

Attitude in Personal Branding

Personal branding is about your personal attitude. A glass half full attitude means that you are positive in a sense that you look for new things, you are optimistic and you never blame others. You also accept that things may happen in your life that are not always ideal and set about fixing them or adjusting to them. And, therefore, you make the best out of it.

Nevertheless, a glass half empty attitude refers to negative persons who always consider everything as a mistake or who always find the bad angle of situations. This pessimistic approach is constantly looking for the fault in things or others, or has a negative approach to things in general.

Personal Branding Characteristics

In order for your personal brand to be memorable, here is a list of the some great personal brand characteristics you should consider


Be clear about the person you are and what you stand for. Why do you do what you do? Be clear about what you can offer your clients/customers and delivery consistently.


Once you know who you are and what you stand for, then live it each and every day. In today’s world, people can spot a fake very easily, so align your values with your actions, be authentic and you will attract a large following of people.


Try to understand how people perceive you through your tone. Are you direct and blunt or gentle and well spoken? As an entrepreneurs, don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd and be remarkable (memorable). But only consider this option if it is within you and authentic…don’t try to be someone you are not.

Emotional Connection

In order to have a truly powerful personal brand, you have to understand how you make others feel. This is the core of an influential personal brand. The most powerful question you can ask yourself is, “How do I want people to feel when they experience my brand?”


Being a competent person is more about determining your skills and showcasing them. We all make mistakes but the significance in any mistake is in the way you fix it, trying again and dusting yourself off. It’s having that glass-half-full attitude.


Being consistent will gain respect from others. Without consistency, efforts will be diluted over time. If you are not consistent, then how will you be able to communicate the personal brand of your business?


People make a decision about you in the first few seconds of meeting you, however, what are they thinking of you if you are not present at that first meeting? Make sure that your visual branding elements are consistent across all media (business card, website, advertising, collateral materials, social media platforms etc.) and they are sharing the message and the feeling you want your brand to evoke.


Being clear in your personal brand is about revealing your flaws and your true self. This takes courage to be able to let yourself be open and recognised. There are instances that you need to be unguarded about who you really are. Courage and personal power come together to give you success in your personal brand.


Everything ends and begins with you. Your character is always considered at the heart of your brand. So, be aware of your thoughts and character traits – are you a glass half full or half empty person?

These are some of the best personal attitudes you need to consider if you want to personally brand your business. If you adopt and refine these personal characteristics, you are most assured that success will follow.


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Picture of Lynda Schenk

Lynda Schenk

An energetic and strategic marketing professional with over twenty years’ experience in industries ranging from wine, not for profit, transport, logistics and manufacturing. Lynda founded Purple Giraffe Marketing Consultancy in 2014 offering an end to end marketing service that draws on her proven ability to formulate brand strategies and marketing communications plans that build brand equity, growth and profitability.

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