Why getting nominated for an award is enough for your business

Head Giraffe Lynda celebrating with a glass of sparkling wine

At Purple Giraffe, we understand the immense effort that goes into running a business. From crafting strategies to meeting client expectations, each decision you make is a step towards building something special. So, when the opportunity arises to be nominated for an award, it’s a big deal – whether you win or not. 

Let’s explore why simply being nominated can have a significant impact on your business. 

The ripple effect of recognition: Why awards matter 

An award nomination is more than just a feather in your cap; it’s validation. It acknowledges the countless hours of work, innovation, and perseverance that have gone into building your business. Whether it’s a local, national, international or industry-specific award, a nomination is a clear message that others see and appreciate your efforts. This recognition can serve as a morale booster, not just for the business owner but for the entire team. 

Even without winning, an award nomination adds weight to your brand. It positions your business as a leader within your industry and signals to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders that your work is of high quality. Think about it – just hearing “award-nominated” changes perceptions. It builds trust, which can be a powerful tool in marketing and business growth. 

Turning recognition into results: Using awards in marketing 

An award nomination doesn’t have to be just a pat in the back – it can also be a powerful marketing tool. Use the nomination as a conversation starter to engage clients and attract new ones. This is your time to shine! Here’s a few ways to take full advantage of the spotlight: 

1. Incorporate it into your marketing strategy:

 An award nomination is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your marketing strategy. Promoting the nomination through social media, email campaigns, and even on your website lets your customers know that your work is valued by experts. It’s a chance to share your story, showcase your achievements, and engage with your audience in a meaningful way. 


When people comment on your content on social media, engage with them and continue the conversation!  Social media isn’t just ‘set and forget’ so when you announce your nomination, keep an eye out for comments from your followers and respond to them. 

2. It is a tool for publicity: 

Award nominations can also bring a wave of publicity. Media outlets, social media platforms, and award organisations are likely to publicise your business, giving you exposure that you might not have otherwise achieved. This can increase brand awareness, leading to new clients or opportunities, and potentially opening doors that would have been closed to a lesser-known business. 


Again, keep an eye out for content that you and your business can engage with, share and be part of the conversation

3. Use it as a networking opportunity: 

Award ceremonies, even virtual ones, offer excellent networking opportunities. Being nominated gives you access to industry leaders, potential customers or collaborators, and even competitors. Utilising this exposure can lead you to meaningful relationships that might benefit your business in the long term, whether through collaborations, partnerships, or mentorship. 


Add connections on LinkedIn to build your network and grow your relationships. 

Fuel for the future: How awards inspire and motivate success 

A nomination can serve as both a milestone and a motivator. It recognises your current efforts while also inspiring you and your team to continue innovating and growing. Employees take pride in being part of a business that stands out in its industry. And a motivated team often equals better productivity and creativity, which is always a win for your business. 

While winning an award is incredible, simply being nominated is also a great achievement and can provide a host of benefits for your business. From enhancing your credibility and creating marketing opportunities to boosting team morale and expanding your network, a nomination is often more than enough to elevate your brand and drive growth. So, if your business has been nominated for an award—celebrate it! It’s a significant milestone on the path to greater success. 

At Purple Giraffe, we help you leverage every opportunity for your business, including those valuable award nominations. Get in touch today! 


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Picture of Vinavie Gayara

Vinavie Gayara

Vinavie is a budding marketing and communications professional driven by a passion for exploring her writing capabilities and diving into the world of digital marketing. She recently completed her MBA specialised in Marketing from UniSA and is excited to utilise the knowledge, coupled with her creativity to make impactful change for clients in the marketing space. Vinavie has a background in hospitality having worked in sales, marketing, public relations and events for international hotel chains in both Sri Lanka and Australia. On the weekends, you’ll find her exploring dessert cafes or enjoying a glass of wine and a movie marathon with her friends and family.

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