Writing Blogs that Convert in 2022

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If you are wondering why your blogs aren’t converting, we’ve compiled a cheat sheet of our top 5 tips for writing blogs that convert in 2022.

One of the most efficient and effective strategies to increase business growth is to create notable content – that’s not to say it’s not hard.

Blog posts continue to be a valuable resource for engaging your audience and generating leads, not to mention they support search engine optimisation (SEO). However, the blog market is heavily saturated. Content creators are tasked with the challenge of creating content that maintains the reader’s attention.

Remember* SEO is Your Friend

SEO is a method of optimizing the effectiveness of your content for search engines, in order for it rank higher than other content with the same search terms. The more traffic you can get, the more people will visit your site and the more money you can make – keep this in mind.

Know Your Audience

To deliver value to your readers, you need to write about things they want to know about, not just what you want to tell them.

So how can you decipher this? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the readers’ most critical long-term needs?
  • Which issues are they most concerned about right now?
  • What broad focus area are they interested in?
  • Any personal struggles that can be shared in order to be relatable?
  • What problem are you solving for them?

Hook Your Readers with a Great Opening

Just like meeting someone for the first time, initial impressions with a blog post are crucial in determining whether we want to learn more or leave.

Therefore, you have to entice readers and persuade them to read your blog post in just one or two sentences. The easiest strategy is to answer the who, what, where, when and why as soon as possible.

Start off with a quote, a question or a bold statement. You only have one shot. Make it count.

Make it Scannable

Due to short attention spans, people will rarely read word for word on the web. Most will just scan a blog post and skim-read the sections that grasp their attention.

There are a few things we can do to highlight the information that your reader really should know.

  • Use sub-headings to break up your posts into smaller sections
  • Keep your paragraphs and sentences short (aim for a maximum of 3-4 vertical lines)
  • Include bullet points
  • Experiment with formatting including bolditalics, different text sizes and format to emphasize
  • Add images

Keep it Conversational

It sounds easy. After all, we have conversations every day with family members, co-workers, clients, friends, retail assistants… we all know how to talk.

Perhaps ironically, you might find that writing in a conversational manner doesn’t feel natural. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Here are my top tips for when your mind freezes:

  • Write as if you’re writing to one favourite writer and address them with ‘you’, similar to a real conversation
  • Read your writing out loud
  • Engage your reader with questions
  • Use an active voice

Wrapping It Up

This is where you rally behind your readers. Make them believe they can achieve the goal promised by your headline.

When writing your conclusion, put yourself back in the shoes of your readers. How can their businesses benefit from the advice in your post?

The more you can focus on your readers’ point of view, the more you can motivate them to take action.

There’s no question that blogging is an integral part of every marketing strategy. With these suggestions, there’s lots of potential for creativity in expressing your company identity. Therefore, these fundamental guidelines will assist you in writing blogs that convert into positive business leads.

Anyone can write compelling blog posts; it just takes time to master the nuances associated with this strategy.

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Picture of Maddison LLoyd

Maddison LLoyd

Maddison is a fourth-year student at the University of Adelaide, currently studying a double degree in Media and Laws. She hopes to combine her experience and knowledge in both specialties to eventually work in Media Law or Intellectual Property. In her final semester of Media, she is currently undertaking an internship with Purple Giraffe to broaden her knowledge in social media marketing. By gaining industry experience, she aims to develop her understanding of the media industry and its convergence with marketing.

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