Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre
Case Study
Piloting, designing, testing and supporting revolutionary tools to support businesses and their clients overcome time-critical adversity, is no match for the team at Purple Giraffe.

Project overview
The rise of tele-health was rapid and relevant to Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre (AE&LC) in the face of COVID-19. It quickly became apparent that face-to-face consultations would need to be supplemented with other methods of seeing and consulting with potential and existing patients in order to generate business and continue to service clients in the near, mid and long-term future.
This motivated the concept of the Online Eye Suitability Test (OEST) which is now available on the AE&LC website. It is fast becoming a major tool in this business to see new clients and start them on this journey.
Purple Giraffe, along with identified collaborators, willingly undertook the task of designing, building and launching the new OEST by:
- Collaborating with the AE&LC lead surgeon to identify category outcomes to then be used in coding to provide accurate eye treatment solutions.
- Content creation for the 7-step OEST process, which included: questions, auto responses, follow up emails, comparison charts, a pre-assessment form.
- Researching booking systems and video conferencing tools, set up required accounts and liaise with the web developer to integrate into the AE&LC website.
- Writing scripts and subtitles, and liaison with the videographer.
- Scripting and developing campaigns on various SA radio stations.
- Developing a paid social media advertising campaign and a supporting ongoing organic social media campaign.
- Testing the process and sequence, and assistance with training of the processes.
At the time of creation there was no other known eye tele-health sequence of its kind in existence.
The OEST has been revolutionary for AE&LC, allowing them to save time and resources, and better classify their potential leads/clients. In addition, it also provides flexibility, time savings and safe, convenient options for their clients.
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