Clare Valley Wine Association

Case Study

Clare Valley Wine Association
Strategic communications and social media coverage for the 35th Claire Valley Gourmet Weekend event
February – May 2019

Purple Giraffe specialise in producing quality and consistent social media content – pairing it with a strategic marketing plan in order to build and retain audiences organically.

outdoor wine event in clare valley

Project overview

Working directly with the client, participating wineries and stallholders, Purple Giraffe formulated numerous communications strategies in order to:


An integrated communications strategy develop and executed by Purple Giraffe lead to the following outcomes:

  • 20% increased overnight accommodation to the region over the weekend on previous years
  • significantly increased activity on Clare Valley Gourmet Weekend (CVGW) social media platforms during the 4 months lead-up period and over the 3 day event:
    • Facebook:
      • 125 posts scheduled
      • CVGW Facebook audience grew to 4,618 fans (36.74% increase)
      • Engagement (reactions, comments and shares) increased by 5.6k
      • 921 click throughs were generated from Facebook posts to the CVGW website
    • Instagram
      • CVGW Instagram audience has grown steadily to 1,076 since account creation in May 2019
      • 118 posts shared, 3.4k engagements generated
      • there was also over 40 Instagram stories shared and created during this time
  • increased general press and other marketing related coverage, i.e. radio, print media and online platforms
  • increased visitation to the Clare Valley Wine website
  • increased attendance at the event (above previous year and at capacity for all 3 days) and at wineries/ cellar doors in the region, in general
  • significant increase in the use of the following hashtags over the 3 days of the event:
    • #clarevalley #CVGW #clarevalleygourmetweekend

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