Clarke Energy
Case Study
Purple Giraffe can develop succinct marketing plans that breaks down strategies into an actionable timeline that can followed and measured against into the future

Project overview
Clarke Energy Australia is currently well positioned in the marketplace for producing gas engines, however they initially had trouble in gaining market share for their diesel-powered product Kohler.
The project brief was to assist in the development of an action-based marketing plan with practical application for Clarke Energy’s inhouse marketing and sales team. The aim of the marketing action plan was to provide execution direction to build brand awareness and increase leads for the Kohler brand within Australia.
The action-based marketing plan included:
- market share analysis to identify Kohler’s current market share and market potential
- a review of current sales channels and identified new channels
- a SWOT analysis
- a comprehensive competitor analysis
- identified target markets
- the brands key points of difference in the Australian vs USA market
- time-bound actioned-based marketing tactics.
Following this, Clarke Energy outsourced a number of their marketing tasks to Purple Giraffe allowing them flexibility to:
- rely on diverse range of skills and expertise
- reduce employment overheads and other related costs
- optimise various specialist providers under one roof to ensure a succinct, coordinated approach
- flexibility to upscale or downscale marketing requirements.
Clarke Energy currently have a detailed action-based marketing plan to guide their marketing activities for Kohler, with the option of outsourcing marketing tasks to Purple Giraffe on a needs-basis.
With presentation of the marketing action plan in early 2020, we are currently monitoring to identify the long-term effect of implementing
the recommended marketing actions, including writing and publishing regular blogs in order to:
- position Clarke Energy as the authority on diesel-power generation in Australia
- build brand awareness through storytelling
- increase Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
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